Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Happy 5th Birthday, Crowell Public Library
Happy 4th Birthday, Crain Art Gallery
Happy 100th Birthday, San Marino
Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013 1-4 pm
The Crowell Public Library Board of Trustees, Friends of Crowell Library, the City of San Marino and the Staff of the Library invite one and all to a very special birthday celebration on Saturday, January 26, 2013 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Not only is the City of San Marino celebrating its Centennial (and selling special merchandise), the library will be five years old on this day and the Crain Art Gallery will be four.
There will a plethora of local authors throughout the library selling their work, including Elizabeth Pomeroy, Hava Ben-Zvi, Lian Dolan, Andrew D. Bernstein, Jim W. Gallo, Irene McDermott and Cliff Shiepe. There will be light refreshments as well as birthday cake for all to partake. The Huntington Middle School String Quartet will perform for your listening pleasure and a new exhibit will be unveiled in the Crain Art Gallery: Images of San Marino. Participating artists will be on hand to meet and greet one and all as well as local dignitaries and representatives. A dizzying array of activities at every turn!
The winners of the Foundation’s Bookmark Contest will be announced as well as the 2013 One Book, One City selection. And, the fabulous ANNIE BANANNIE will offer comedy, storytelling and amazing balloon artistry! Audience volunteers will help Annie tell fabulous stories with lots of surprises along the way so bring the whole family to celebrate the City and the Library!
Rose Pruning Workshop
Saturday, January 19th, 9:00 a.m.
Former City Parks Division Manager, RON SERVEN is now with San Marino’s Planning Department, but his expertise with roses is still visible throughout the city, particularly at Lacy Park. Ron has conducted this workshop at Crowell Library on a yearly basis for many years and many rose-lovers have benefited and attended repeat performances.
Ron will demonstrate optimum rose pruning techniques and answer questions from the audience, such as what to do in cold weather, and dealing with other special conditions such as irregular rainfall. Those who attend will be ready to go out into their own yards the very same day to get the job done. Ron will give everyone a better sense of how Mother Nature works. You’ll soon be spending some enjoyable time in your home garden, armed with the knowledge to keep it thriving and beautiful.
This workshop is free and reservations are not required, but if you have questions, please call the library (626) 300-0777, extension 579.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Rain Gardens
Crowell Public Library Celebrates Water Week
Wednesday, January 16: 7:00 p.m.
learn all about RAIN GARDENS
This free one hour workshop on rain gardens is recommended for those interested in environmental issues pertaining to water conservation and pollution prevention as well as those who enjoy gardening and having a beautiful home landscape! Rain gardens are shallow, planted depressions designed to collect and absorb rainwater runoff from roofs, sidewalks, and other impermeable surfaces. Rain Gardens are perfect for Southern California as they help both to conserve rain water through infiltration and prevent storm water pollution through the natural cleaning of runoff as it is filtered through the soil.
Representatives from Generation Water will describe what a rain garden is, what benefits they bring, and how they can be incorporated into your yard. Generation Water is an award-winning, social enterprise that uses innovative approaches to reduce water usage. The five year-old organization currently operates as a social entrepreneurial organization focusing on the environment, saving water, restoring sustainable landscapes as well as training and placing young adults into career paths.
Come join us and learn how to help San Marino become a greener city!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Water Week @ Crowell: TAPPED
Monday, January 14: 6:30 p.m.
a screening of the award-winning documentary TAPPED
Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Director Stephanie Soechtig’s feature documentary is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car? and I.O.U.S.A., Tapped is a film that examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on health, climate change, pollution and reliance on oil. It is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never to become a commodity, our water.
As Tapped puts forth, any time you drink bottled water, you may be putting your health at risk, as well as contributing to one of the most massive environmental waste nightmares of all time. There is a simple, safe, green solution to this dilemma. According to Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst: the Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water “…your tap water is as safe as or safer than your bottled water.” Nonetheless, Americans buy 29 billion single-serve bottles of water every year. And only around a quarter of those bottles get recycled.
After the screening, there will be a panel of representatives from our local water districts to discuss issues raised in the film and answer questions from the audience.
There will be light refreshments and a raffle, so wear your lucky socks!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Coffee and Cramming @ Crowell!
Tuesday, December 18, from 3:30pm-7pm
Wednesday, December 19, 1-7pm
Thursday, December 20, 1-7pm
Dreading those midterms? Looking for a place to study? Don’t stress out! High school students are invited to Crowell Library’s Coffee & Cramming student only, group study zone held in the Barth Community Room on Tuesday, December 18, from 3:30-7:00pm, Wednesday, December 19, 1:00-7:00pm, and Thursday, December 20, 1:00-7:00pm.
Enjoy snacks, hot cocoa and coffee while hitting the books and the laptops. All brainiacs in attendance will be eligible to win a Vroman’s gift card. Crowell Public Library: where you can get your exam cram on!
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library. Find out more about upcoming YA events by following us on Facebook and on Twitter and visit the library website at
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
The Life of Michael White: San Marino’s Adventurer-Pioneer
On Monday, November 26 at 7:00 pm in the Crowell Library’s Barth Community Room, San Marino attorney and historian BILL ENGER will deliver a multimedia presentation detailing the life of San Marino's adventurer-pioneer, Michael White.
The chronicle of Michael White vividly personifies the adventure and romance of the 19th century and early California settlers. He was a teenage whaler rounding the Tierra del Fuego, a youthful vigilante thwarting Mexican pirates, a sailor in Kamehameha's Royal Navy, a ship builder, a cowboy, revolutionary and father of thirteen children who occupied San Marino's oldest home for many years. He helped build a new California with Don Benito Wilson, William Workman and the Mission people. White lived the life of ten men. His history will both excite and inspire.
William Enger is a native Southern Californian and resident of San Marino. He is an attorney by profession, but a history buff by nature. He is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley and U.C.L.A. School of Law.
This one hour presentation is for all who love history, adventure and San Marino.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
LA Opera Talk: Madame Butterfly
SUNDAY, November 18th 2:00 p.m.
Giacomo Puccini’s Madame Butterfly
Guided by an L.A. Opera Community Educator, you will follow this heartbreaking story of a boundless love that goes horribly wrong in a fateful meeting of East and West. What begins as an idyllic liaison in an enchanting land of cherry blossoms turns into the heartbreaking tragedy of an abandoned bride forced to make an excruciating decision. The stunning LA Opera production, never before seen in Los Angeles, melds sumptuous costumes with evocative period scenery. Even if you can’t make the performance at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, you can experience the story and history of the production at Crowell Library for free.
Opera is not just magnificent music, dance and theater with astounding sets on a beautiful stage. An opera can sweep you away to foreign lands, take you back in time, dazzle you with pageantry and bring history to life. It is literature, social studies, cultural diversity, multiple languages and most of all, it is exciting!
Come explore the world of opera through LA Opera’s education programs. Opera has something for everyone.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Downloading eBooks Made Simple!
Tuesday, November 6: Downloading to a Kindle
Tuesday, November 13: Downloading to an iPad
Tuesday, November 20: Downloading to a Nook
What’s so great about checking out ebooks? You don’t have to return them! Along with traditional books, the Crowell Library lends eBooks, as well, and they are also free. These Tech Tuesday sessions at 7:00 p.m. will be a combination of demonstrations and hands-on experience to help you get eBooks onto your Kindle, iPad or Nook. Bring your device, along with its USB chord and you’ll be on your way. Please register in advance by calling 626-300-0777 ext. 579.
Each evening will start with an overview of the Overdrive platform available to Crowell Library. Then the audience will break into smaller groups and learn about downloading to their specific devices. If that new reader has been sitting on your dresser since last Mother’s Day, now is the perfect time to learn the joy of reading the Autobiography of Mark Twain without the bulk and weight issues!
Bring all your questions to this fun, judgment-free environment created by the knowledgable and e-savvy librarians at Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Where to Put Your Money in 2013
Thursday, November 8, 2012, 7-8:30pm
Your future financial security depends on making the best decisions and the fewest mistakes. Increased volatility and global uncertainty make it more difficult than ever to grow your money without taking unnecessary risks. Attend this free educational workshop and learn: why one of your safest investments could crash; which investment has major potential for growth; the factors that have the greatest impact on portfolio performance; how to avoid emotionally driven investing errors, how to make volatility your friend, and why Wall Street's recommendations could cause you to fail.
ALAN KONDO, a specialist in retirement and estate planning, is a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Life Underwriter, and a business columnist for the Rafu Shimpo. He is an independent Registered Investment Advisor offering securities and investment advisory services through Charles Schwab. His program, “How Not to Lose Your Inheritance,” in August drew an enthusiastic crowd eager to learn more.
You won’t want to miss this free program at Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Coping Skills for Sight Loss
November 5, 19, 26 and December 3
Is your vision fading? Need help dealing with sight loss caused by macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts or diabetic retinopathy? Crowell Public Library is partnering with the Braille Institute in presenting four seminars that will address all your questions related to managing daily life with low sight.
November 5: Welcome to Braille Institute: understanding visual loss; low vision devices, macular degeneration presentation
November 19: The Business of Living: organizing and identifying money; marking and labeling household items; organizational skills
November 26: Staying Connected: rediscover the joy of reading: reading, writing and communication; resources & low vision consultations
December 3: Getting Around Town: orientation and mobility; information on Braille Institute, CTAP and low vision rehabilitation consultant appointments.
These FREE sessions will be held on Monday mornings from 10:00 to noon in the Barth Community Room.
For more information on the Braille Institute, visit
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Opera for the Entire Family
SUNDAY, October 21 -- 2:00 p.m.
Who doesn’t love a good story? Who doesn’t love great music? Comedy, romance, murder and mayhem, opera has it all and whether you’re eight or eighty, this free program at Crowell Library will be a great chance to get the lowdown on this high art. Los Angeles is so fortunate to have its own opera company and LA Opera Talks make it easy and convenient to learn about and appreciate the talents that lie behind these amazing productions, starting with Placido Domingo, a world renown treasure with more than 3600 career performances to his credit.
Opera is not just magnificent music, dance and theater with astounding sets on a beautiful stage. Opera can sweep you away to foreign lands, take you back in time, dazzle you with pageantry and bring history to life. It is literature, social studies, cultural diversity, multiple languages and most of all, it is exciting! Come explore the world of opera, on stage and behind the scenes. There is something for everyone. A community educator from Los Angeles Opera will share video clips, recorded music, answer questions and will get one and all excited about this unique art form.
This introduction is entirely free at Crowell Public Library. Bring the whole family!
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Teen Read Week: Oct 14-20th
Crowell Public Library Celebrates Teen Read Week: Oct 14-20th
Reading for enjoyment is important for teens as well as adults. In a 2011 report, the Education Resource Information Center reported pleasure reading was found to fulfill three broad functions: it enhanced academic performance, social engagement and personal development. The study confirmed that in their pleasure reading, teens gain significant insights into mature relationships, personal values, cultural identity, physical safety and security, aesthetic preferences, and understanding of the physical world, all of which aid teen readers in the transition from childhood to adulthood.
This year, Crowell Public Library celebrates TEEN READ WEEK, which runs from October 14-20th. A national literacy initiative that began in 1998, Teen Read Week encourages teens ages 12-18 to read for the fun of it. Teens in grades 6-12 register for Teen Read Week at the Children’s Reference desk, read a book of their choice, tell a librarian a little about the book, and submit their name for special raffle drawings. Teens completing at least one book will receive a free coupon for Penguins Frozen Yogurt. Raffle prizes include AMC tickets.
Visit the Young Adult Corner and check out the displays, reading lists, and popular new YA books. Find out which YA books made the Teens’ Top Ten list. Crowell library has all 24 titles nominated for the final list, so young adult readers are encouraged to read as many as they can before voting online from August 15-Sept 15th at
In-person registration is required for this program. Visit the Children’s reference desk to sign up, report and win prizes! Visit the YA Facebook page at for updates.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Compiling Family History: One Journey, Many Lives
Monday October 22, 7:00 p.m.
Seniors: while you still have the energy and most of your marbles, leave a record of your life -- for your descendants and for history! NAT READ will discuss the strategies in compiling and documenting family histories as part of the San Marino Historical Society’s celebration of the City’s Centennial, Monday evening, October 22 at 7:00 p.m. at Crowell Public Library
Do it while you are still able is the theme of the presentation. Learn about structuring, presenting and storing your family history via family group record sheets, pedigree charts and cousin finders. Nat Read will speak about the many databases and resources which are now available online, in addition to your friendly reference librarian. Learn interviewing techniques to apply to as many family members as possible. The pursuit of gathering vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates will also be covered, in addition to obituaries, military and cemetery records, headstones, census records, and joining genealogical societies. Handling photograph is also included, especially the importance of labeling them who, where and when.
Nat Read has written several historical books and served on the board of the Pasadena Historical Society. His own life was told in One Journey, Many Trails which recounted the life of a newspaper delivery boy, golf caddie, bowling pin setter, busboy, Nevada casino change maker, super in the New York Metropolitan Opera, exchange student to the USSR, cabbie, U.S. Navy captain, civil rights marcher, cartoonist, copywriter, stand-up comic, bank director and author of the book Don Benito Wilson: From Mountain Man to Mayor.
Find out how easy it to get hooked on history, Monday, October 22 at Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tech Tuesdays @ Crowell: October 9
Technology Fair -- 9:30-11:00 a.m.
with gizmo guru Stewart Rogers from Alice Computers
Facebook 101 -- 7:00 p.m.
with reference librarian & author Irene McDermott
Tuesday October 9
Seniors and technology-challenged adults of all ages are welcome to come browse the many new-fangled devices on the scene. What do they do? Do I really need one? Which one is right for my needs? How do you work the thing? Beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the Barth Community, STEWART ROGERS from Alice Computers will demonstrate a variety of the latest devices, such as the iPad, netbook, and various tablet computers. Attendees will be encouraged to touch and try those new thin laptops and tablets and even see the internet delivered over the television. Stewart will be available to answer questions during this touch and explore session: a technology petting zoo of sorts!
Then at 7:00 in the evening, reference librarian and acclaimed author IRENE McDERMOTT will explain the ins and outs of Facebook and why this is an excellent way to keep up with the grandkids or those college students. She’ll demonstrate how to get started on the website that unites families across the miles and generations. She’ll show how to find friends, play games and even upload photos from your phone. Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old friends and to find new ones.
Bring all your questions to this fun, judgment-free environment where you can learn and play.
The more the merrier! Share this event on Facebook & Twitter.
1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108-2595 ● Phone: (626) 300-0777
For more information, visit our website
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
San Marino: a Centennial History
A book launch with author Elizabeth Pomeroy
Monday September 24, 6:00 p.m.
San Gabriel Valley residents far and wide will find many fascinating facts about their community when the San Marino Historical Society presents it’s centennial publication, San Marino: a Centennial History on Monday, September 24 at 6:00 p.m. in Crowell Public Library’s Barth Community Room. Author ELIZABETH POMEROY will sign copies of the book beginning at 6:00 p.m. and start her presentation at 7:00 p.m. Books will be sold by check only before and after the program.
San Marino: A Centennial History traces the history of the first century of the city through words and images. This deluxe hardcover limited edition incorporates original research and includes full color photos, maps and text. The reader will follow the transition from the area's rich agricultural ranches to the establishment of San Marino as a city. Inclusion of the early families that shaped the culture will help to illuminate the city's development. Learn how many of the city's cherished traditions have evolved from these earlier times. It is the perfect gift for current and former San Marino families, San Marino High School alumni and people seeking to understand this slice of history of Southern California. San Marino: A Centennial History is perfect for holiday gift-giving and one to treasure every year.
Elizabeth Pomeroy, a California native, graduated from Stanford University and holds a Ph.D. in English from UCLA. She served on the staff of the Huntington Library for ten years, and has taught English at Pasadena City College for a decade, and at UCLA, UC Irvine, and California State University Los Angeles. She is also a writer and contributed a weekly column on historic places entitled “Lost and Found,” for the Pasadena Star-News and San abriel Valley Tribune. In the year 2000 she established Many Moons Press, which publishes books on Southern California history and nature.
For information on the San Marino Historical Society call (626) 304-9375 or email
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Join the Teen Anime Club!
For special screenings of Anime Film Features
Fall dates: Sept 25th, Oct 23rd and Nov 13th @ 3:15pm
Crowell Public Library invites Young Adults grades 6-12 to chill out after school and share their love and appreciation of anime at the Teen Anime Club. This is where otaku (obsessive) and casual anime fans gather to enjoy watching and discussing feature length films on the big screen as well as episodes from popular anime serials. Snacks and popcorn are served at all club meetings. Anime is a form of Japanese animation that uses colorful graphics similar to manga comics, which appear in book form.
The Club meets monthly on Tuesdays at 3:15 pm in the Barth Community Room. Meetings this fall are the same dates as the screenings, September 25th, October 23rd, and November 13th. To become a member of the Teen Anime Club and see these members-only screenings, simply pick up an application at the library or print it out online at and return to a librarian.
The screenings kick off in September with a Miyazaki masterpiece, followed by Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow in October. Look forward to a members-only screening of another blockbuster title (to be announced) in November.
Call the library for details about Teen Anime Club or e-mail Carrie Wilson at, or visit the YA Facebook page at: for updates.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Shiver me timbers! Pirate School Comes to Crowell Library
Thursday, September 13, 2012, 3:30 p.m.
Yo-ho, mateys! Kids (pre-school and up) are invited to Crowell Public Library dressed in their best pirate or pirate princess uniform for the complex curriculum known as Pirate School at Crowell Public Library Thursday, September 13, at 3:30 p.m. Although not on the AP list, this course prepares children for the many unexpected twists and turns life at sea might throw them, such as walking the plank, talking to parrots and dancing with a pegleg. Furthermore, this course is not offered at Stanford, CalTech or Yale. And, it is an absolute prerequisite for September 19, the official International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Captain Kidds-in-training will hear several hair-raising tales of high seas adventures and learn to sing sea shanties from a real accordion-playing pirate, “Cupcake” (yes, he will explain the origin of that name). Pirate apprentices will work to finesse their "pirattitude" and play classic pirate games such as “Walk the Plank” and “Pin the Eye-Patch On the Pirate.” They will make their own Blackbeard-approved craft to take home, and keep whatever booty they may pilfer during the course. Every gem of piratology is buried treasure for these future Captain Hooks and Anne Bonneys!
Don’t be a bilge rat and miss this amazing course which will never be offered online! Arrrrgh!
Sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
LA OPERA TALK: Mozart’s Don Giovanni
SUNDAY, September 16th 2:00 p.m.
No woman is safe from his advances! No man is safe from his dastardly schemes. Don Giovanni is coming to LA Opera September 22 through October 14th. Can’t make it to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion? Come to Crowell Public Library and learn all about the legendary seducer for FREE. In the Library’s Barth Community Room, there is no nose-bleed section: all seats are “orchestra,” enhanced by great acoustics, air conditioning, and the grand company of fellow opera aficionados.
Lotharios, Casanovas, Don Juans: see your fate come to life in vibrant operatic form! Hear the highlights of this wonderful piece through the eyes and ears of DIANE BELTOYA, our favorite Community Educator from LA Opera. She will focus her talk on Don Giovanni and the Age of Enlightenment and show excerpts from the opera. Considered by many to be the greatest opera ever written, Mozart’s Don Giovanni deftly balances comedy and tragedy with unforgettable music.
Opera is not just magnificent music, dance and theater with astounding sets on a beautiful stage. An opera can sweep you away to foreign lands, take you back in time, dazzle you with pageantry and bring history to life. It is literature, social studies, cultural diversity, multiple languages and most of all, it is exciting! Come explore the world of opera through LA Opera’s education programs.
Opera has something for everyone.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
How to Reduce Test Stress and Raise Test Scores
Thursday Sept 20th at 7:00pm
Someone utters the word “test” and a common reaction might be hyperventilation and sweaty palms. All those facts, figures and logic can fly right out the window at the sight of a blank answer sheet. Get a handle on the stress by attending this free lecture by BEN BERNSTEIN, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and the author of the recently released, Test Success! How to be Calm, Confident and Focused on Any Test. Dr. Bernstein will teach techniques that improve test performance and reduce anxiety on Sept 20th at Crowell Public Library.
Ben Bernstein specializes as a performance coach. His clients include individuals in high stress, high performance occupations: athletes, actors, business executives and healthcare professionals. As a teacher over the last 43 years, Dr. Bernstein has worked at every level of the educational system. His training model is receiving widespread attention and use. He is a national speaker on the subject of stress and performance, regularly speaking in schools, prisons, programs for under-served youth, and to healthcare professionals.
Registration is not required for this event, but space is limited. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About College Application Writing
Introductory workshop: Sept 19th at 7pm (open to the public)
Editing workshop: Oct 10th at 7pm **Registration required**
College essays have never been more important. Twenty-six percent of colleges say that essays are of “considerable importance” in the admission decision, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling. For private schools, the number increases to 33 percent. The essay ranks above a student’s class rank, recommendations, and extracurricular activities.
ALISON BELL is a writer with over 20 years of experience as a professional journalist and author of 15 books for teens and children. She also teaches creative writing to children and tutors students in both school essays and private school entrance exam essays. She runs “College Essay Support,” which helps students write attention-grabbing college admission essays. On September 19th at 7:00pm, Alison will hold a free workshop for high school students at the Crowell Public Library. She will show students how to brainstorm ideas, write outlines, choose topics, open essays, and more. Registration is not required for this workshop, but space is limited. The introductory workshop will be followed by an editing session on Oct 10th at 7:00pm where students will refine their essays using the tips and skills learned in the first session. Register early for this free one-on-one editing instruction with Alison—space is also limited. Visit the reference desk or call 626-300-0777 to register. Both workshops will be held in the Barth Community Room at the Library.
Don’t forget to visit the YA Facebook page at: for updates.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
What's Color Got to Do With It?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Explore the power of color and how to use it in your home to improve your environment and your life by attending this free program at Crowell Library. Topics include color theory, color psychology, how businesses use color to influence behavior, and how to combine this information to select the best colors for your personality in your home. A well designed home is more than merely beautiful – it impacts every part of your daily life, including your health and well-being.
JEANETTE CHASWORTH has been an interior designer in the San Gabriel Valley for 16 years.
She is president of the Pasadena chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID),
and is a fully certified interior designer both by ASID and CID. She has taught interior design at
Citrus College, Mount San Antonio College, and UC Riverside.
Jeanette speaks to people who love their homes and seek to improve their homes and their lives.
Her program is recommended for those interested in interior design trends, psychology, art and the healing arts. She has spoken for an array of diverse audiences including professional and student designers (FIDM, ASID Northern California chapter), community organizations such as the South Pasadena Kiwanis and Pasadena Women's City Club, and has prepared special programs in color for Draper’s and Damon's, as well as several internet radio shows.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Voices From the Walls: Muralism in Los Angeles
with Isabel Rojas-Williams
Thursday September 6, 7:00 p.m.
How can a city famous for its murals have a moratorium prohibiting new ones? ISABEL ROJAS-WILLIAMS, Executive Director of the Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles, has been working with the City Planning Commission, muralists and other organizations, to craft a new ordinance that will lift this restrictive ban, allowing new murals on private property in Los Angeles. In this free lecture sponsored by the Crain Art Gallery, Rojas-Williams will present a brief history of muralism in Los Angeles and discuss all the controversies and milestones.
Though the modern Los Angeles public mural was born during the turmoil of the 1960s, the roots of classic muralism reach back to Alfred Ramos Martinez, Father of the Mexican Mural Movement, Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros. The Getty Conservation Institute and the City of Los Angeles are preparing to unveil soon the restored Tropical América, the mural that Siqueiros painted in Los Angeles in 1932, that was subsequently whitewashed by the conservative politics of the time.
The Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles was established in 1987, by a coalition of artists, public art advocates, city and state officials, and restoration specialists. Its mission today was the same as it was then: to restore, preserve, and document the murals of Los Angeles. In its role as public art advocate, MCLA works to protect the legal rights of artists and to prevent the loss of significant works of public art. Most importantly, MCLA is committed to preserving Los Angeles as one of the mural capitals of the world.
Born in Santiago, Chile, Isabel Rojas-Williams has lived in Southern California for the past 39 years and has actively studied, documented, and lectured on the social-political art movements of Los Angeles. She has taught art history at California State University, Los Angeles, where she earned her Master’s degree, and has been the curator of multiple exhibitions documenting the city’s rich legacy of urban art, curatorial, civic, and creative contributions to Los Angeles.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
How Not To Lose Your Inheritance
Thursday, August 9, 2012, 7-8:30pm
Parents make many sacrifices to provide financial security for children and grandchildren. Don’t let an inheritance get eaten away by bad planning. Learn the greatest mistakes made by parents and heirs and find out how to: make the inheritance a blessing, not a curse; become a good steward of the inheritance by creating a plan for spending; leverage the money to benefit yourself and future generations; be aware of the hidden traps, and inherit real estate while minimizing taxes.
ALAN KONDO, a specialist in retirement and estate planning, is a Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Life Underwriter, and a business columnist for the Rafu Shimpo. He is an independent Registered Investment Advisor offering securities and investment advisory services through Charles Schwab.
Don’t miss this free program at Crowell Public Library.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
San Marino… the First 100 Years
San Marino… the First 100 Years, a Centennial photographic exhibit, is newly installed at the Crain Art Gallery at Crowell Public Library. The exhibit is composed of historical photos of San Marino since before it was officially a city, including aerial views and portraits of several of the founding families. The exhibit also shows several memorabilia collage panels from early years. This collection was a taken from the archives of the San Marino Historical Society whose office and exhibit space is in the Thurnher House at the Virginia Road entrance to Lacy Park. The Thurnher House is open to the public on most Tuesday afternoons and the 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoons.
The San Marino Historical Society was founded in 1974 and has been presenting programs free of charge and open to the public three times a year at either Southwestern Academy or more recently at the Crowell Public Library. They plan several more programs during the city’s Centennial year thru July 2013. Call 626-304-9375 for further information or current President, John Morris, at 626-796-3003.
The Crain Art Gallery is located in the Crowell Public Library at 1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino and is open Mon thru Thurs. from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Sat 10-5; Sun 1-5 and is closed on Fridays. San Marino…the First 100 Years will only be showing until Aug. 17, 2012.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sleep Disorders
Monday, July 16, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation for snorers and those around them as well as daytime drowsiness, irritability and sometimes a lack of
focus. Snoring can also be associated with complex conditions such as sleep apnea. Studies reveal a correlation between loud snoring and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.*
DR. TED SHEN will discuss the latest diagnosis and treatment options that can help you achieve a good night’s sleep and keep you healthy.
Dr. Shen is a Southern California native. He attended Los Altos High School where he was the valedictorian of his class. He graduated with an Honors Major in Mathematics and Social Sciences from Dartmouth College. Dr. Shen pursued his medical degree at The Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. After two years of surgical residency at the LAC+USC Medical Center, Dr. Shen completed a five year training program in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology and practices exclusively in the Pasadena area. His affiliations include Huntington Memorial Hospital and Arcadia Methodist Hospital.
The Adult Summer Reading Program Between the Covers is in full swing at Crowell Public Library through July. Write a book review or a six-word novel and a prize may be in your future!
The more the merrier! Share this event on Facebook & Twitter.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Library After Hours Final Party

July 19, 2012 @ 6:00pm-11pm FREE! Registration Required
This year’s Summer Reading club theme for teens is “Own the Night.” How fitting, then, to hold the first-ever Library After Hours Final Party? This epic, free event will be held July 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the Barth Community Room. Registration is required: see the Children’s Reference desk or call the library for details.
Teens will show the night who’s the boss with ninja challenges of stealth, endurance and balance. They’ll also be making recipes fit for creatures of the night (eyeballs, hot dog mummies, and blood punch, anyone?) and have a blast with their friends, making mini-marshmallow monster sculptures, and playing party games like Apples to Apples and Mafia. We will cap off the festivities with pizza and a movie.
Be afraid. Be very afraid! You never know what lurks in the library. All teens in attendance registered for the Summer Reading Club will receive raffle tickets good for a variety of prizes, including a pair of Disneyland Park Hopper tickets. Winners will be announced July 23rd.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library, the Aquarium of the Pacific, El Pollo Loco, Flightdeck Air Command Center, Huntington Library, Jump ‘n Jammin, Peterson’s Automotive, Pie ‘n Burger, Santa Anita Park, Spaghetti Factory.
Find out more about upcoming YA events by following the library on Facebook and Twitter and visit the website at
Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to China

July 2-3, 2012 -- two days only
The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles and the Xinhua News Agency, Los Angeles Bureau, will be presenting the Celebration of the 15th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Return to China photo exhibition, on the first Monday and Tuesday of July in the Barth Community Room of Crowell Public Library.
The exhibit consists of forty selected photos, including some invaluable, seldom-shown historical photos. The show will educate visitors in the history, culture and the daily lives of Hong Kong residents.
Xinhua Gallery is a successful division of the Xinhua News Agency. Since it began to stage exhibitions in May 2010, hundreds of exhibits have been held in over 100 countries around the world. The China Photo Archive, which belongs to Xinhua News Agency, contains over six million historical photos going back to the 1850s. The Xinhua multimedia database holds more than 10 million current photos, and every day Xinhua is releasing over 2,000 photos taken by its photographers all over the world. The combination of the abundant resources and Xinhua’s strength in editing and display has made Xinhua Gallery photo show attractive to visitors.
For more information on this exhibit, contact Jessie Liu, 626-321-2468,
dClutter with Tracy McCubbin

Wednesday, July 11th 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Because there are many areas of our lives that still need organizing, we have asked The Queen of dClutter to return. TRACY McCUBBIN, professional organizer extraordinaire, has given several workshops at Crowell Public Library to standing room only crowds. She has the diplomacy to deal with horders and the expertise to tackle all clutter dilemmas including the garage, so gentlemen, start your engines and get it in gear here at Crowell Public Library.
A clean environment aids concentration and increases productivity. Don’t let accumulated clutter stress you out. “Liveable Organization” is about organization that’s easy for you to live in, co-exist with, and ultimately maintain. Learn to reduce, reorganize, and recycle, so you can relax. Tracy will offer professional tips and explore the mindset that blocks us from letting go of things. Take control of your physical space!
“dClutter Between the Covers” is part of the Adult Summer Reading Program at Crowell Public Library. Registering for the summer reading program is easy: just visit the Adult Reference desk to sign up and start reading! Pick up a Between the Covers brochure and see what other programs will be happening this summer. Write a book review or a six-word novel and a prize may be in your future. It’s all happening at Crowell Public Library through July.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Dream Analysis

Monday, June 25, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
The Adult Summer Reading Program, Between the Covers, is off and running at Crowell Public Library and the first scheduled program, so thematically astute, will be Dr. Trevor Dobbs’ Dream Analysis on Monday, June 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library’s Barth Community Room. Do dreams have meaning or are they just synapses firing at random? Dr. Dobbs, a member of the core faculty at Pacific Oaks College, will clue us in. He teaches in the School of Human Development & Family Studies and maintains a part time private practice in psychoanalysis, also in Pasadena. He has a multi-disciplinary background that ranges from computer science, to theology, to psychoanalysis and couples therapy.
Registering for the summer reading program is easy: just visit the Adult Reference desk to sign up and start reading! Pick up a Between the Covers brochure and see what other programs will be happening this summer. Write a book review or a six-word novel and a prize may be in your future. It’s all happening at Crowell Public Library through July.
Film: Secret

Thursday, June 21, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
Ye Xiang Lun is a student majoring in piano who just transferred to Tamkang, a school famous for its talented piano students. On his first day of school, he hears a mysterious melody being played, and following it, meets Lu Xiao Yu, another piano major. When he asks her about the song she was playing, she tells him that it is a secret that cannot be told. The two form a friendship that quickly evolves into a romance. Unbeknownst to Xiang Lun, there is more to Xiao Yu than initially meets the eye. This film stars and is directed by Jay Chou. The film was originally released in 2007, is 101 minutes long with English subtitles.
Please note that the previously announced screening of the documentary Hand In Hand will NOT be taking place.
Crowell Public Library thanks the Taiwanese United Fund (TUF), a non-profit organization dedicated to culture and performing arts, and Dr. Jerry C. Liu for bringing Hand In Hand to library patrons.
Free popcorn while it lasts!
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Teen Anime Convention!
July 9 – 12
Love anime? Can’t get enough? Want to experience an anime convention without the lines and pricy tickets? This summer, Crowell Public Library will offer its first ever Teen Anime Convention. Enjoy a week of FREE anime-themed programs for teens entering grades 7-12.
Crowell will be offering an anime/manga art presentation by critically acclaimed local graphic novelist KAZU KIBUISHI on July 9th at 12:15 p.m., followed by a manga drawing and inking workshop with local artist JANELL MITHANI at 12:15 p.m. on July 10th. Registration is required for Janell Mithani’s workshop -- first come, first served. On July 11th at 12:15 p.m. teens will be in for a treat when they learn to make candy sushi, anime-themed crafts and even costume props. Cosplay is encouraged for the full expo experience, plus costumed teens will be entered in a special raffle. Anime Week is capped off with a free screening of a Miyazaki anime film on the 12th at noon. All events take place in the Library’s Barth Community Room.
In addition, teens registered in the Summer Reading Club receive raffle tickets and credit toward a free book for each event they attend. Raffle tickets are good for a variety of prizes, including a pair of Disneyland Parkhopper tickets! Winners will be announced July 23rd.
This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library, the Aquarium of the Pacific, El Pollo Loco, Flightdeck Air Command Center, Huntington Library, Jump ‘n Jammin, Peterson’s Automotive, Pie ‘n Burger, Santa Anita Park, Spaghetti Factory. Find out more about upcoming YA events by following us on Facebook and on Twitter and visit the library website at
Thursday, May 31, 2012
eBooks: Why Buy When You Can Borrow?
Are you starting to read books on a hand-held device, such as a Kindle, Nook, iPad or Sony Reader? Along with traditional books, the Crowell Library lends eBooks, as well, and they are free, of course. This session will be a combination of demonstrations and hands-on computer use to help you get the knack for getting eBooks onto your device. Bring your device, along with its USB chord and you’ll be on your way. Please register in advance by calling 626-300-0777 ext. 579.
The evening will start with an overview of the devices available, digital rights management issues and the Overdrive platform available to Crowell Library. Then the audience will break into smaller groups and learn about downloading to specific devices.
If that new reader has been sitting on your dresser since last Mother’s Day, now is the perfect time to learn the joy of reading the Autobiography of Mark Twain without the weight issues!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Use Subscription Databases from Crowell
Used to be, when you needed a magazine or newspaper article, you had to look through a set of books called the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. After you found the dates and titles of appropriate articles, you walked to the shelves to pull actual bound copies of old magazines to copy.
Those days are gone forever! Now, you don’t even have to leave your house to get the complete text of articles from newspapers and magazines.
Let’s say that you need news articles to help you write a school paper, for example. You may want to start your search locally with full-text pieces from the archives of the Los Angeles Times. Click on the “LA Times” button on the right side of the Library web page, On the next screen, enter your library card number with no spaces and your pin number (usually the last four numbers of your home phone number.) Then search the local newspaper of record back to 1985.
Need past articles from newspapers across the country, including the Pasadena Star News and The New York Times? Click on the “Newsbank” button and then type in your library card number to log in. Now you can search individual newspapers or across a selection, all at once. For example, a search of the “Los Angeles Metro” collection pings everything from the Agoura Hills Acorn to the Whittier Daily News.
How about some magazine articles, everything from news weeklies to peer-reviewed journals? Just click on the “Magazines” button. Enter your library card number and then click “Proceed.” From the next screen, you can browse subjects or specific publications. Or, you can type in a keyword to get a list of full-text articles.
Students love this database because it means that they don't have to physically go to the library, find the correct edition of the magazine that they seek, and then photocopy it. Parents find this collection useful when they want to read articles about home repair or appliance reviews. This service can also help busy businesspeople to find quality information right from their desks at work.
Even better, if you have an iPhone or Android smart phone, you can search the magazine index on the go. Visit this website to download the appropriate free app for your phone:
And there’s more than just news online! The Crowell Public Library subscribes to an array of information resources that you can use through our web page with your library card at any time of day or night. These cover a variety of subjects including language lessons, career advice, and even investment strategy from Value Line.
Need a library card to access all this wonderful information? You can print out an application right from our web site. Under “About Us” on the Crowell Library page, choose “General Information.” From here, you can click for a copy of our application in .pdf format. Print it out and bring it in to the library with identification that shows your name and current address. We’ll get you a library card right on the spot!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Awakening Body, Mind & Soul
Saturday, June 2, 2012, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Green Menu is a non-profit organization promoting vegetarianism, sustainable living and overall well-being. They believe a plant-based diet is the foundation for optimum health and the future of our planet. To help educate people and bring the awareness of what can be done on a personal level to live a green and healthy lifestyle, Green Menu will present a free program entitled, "Awakening of Body, Mind & Soul," at Crowell Public Library on Saturday, June 2, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. This philosophical lecture by Henry Chang will be based on the Book of Change & Tao Te Ching, conducted in Mandarin with English translation.
Green Menu believes a successful program depends on whether the topic matches what people think, want, and do in their daily lives, so there will be ample time for questions and answers immediately after the lecture.
For more information on this organization, point your web browser to
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
How Plans Can Change: Pasadena to Brooklyn via Route 66
Wednesday, June 6, 7:00 p.m.
San Marino resident J.W. GALLO has written an acclaimed novel that will appeal to teenagers as well as adults. It’s a coming-of-age story about Vince Marsali from Flatbush who relocates to Southern California and becomes the proverbial fish out of water. Taunted in high school, he makes a vow to return to Brooklyn after college. On that journey across Route 66, his plans get altered when he rekindles a love interest, and comes to the door of organized crime in the process. How Plans Can Change: Pasadena to Brooklyn via Route 66 is also a trip down memory lane for Baby Boomers or anyone else who has traveled across country and gotten their kicks on old Route 66.
Mr. Gallo will read excerpts from his novel, discuss its themes and chronicle the publishing process. His career as a general contractor and quality control inspector has taken him across America numerous times, filling his coffers with many stories. Whether teen or adult, you won’t want to miss this special evening with J.W. Gallo at Crowell Public Library.
Monday, April 30, 2012
MOVIE: Cape No. 7
Thursday, May 24, 2012, 6:30 p.m.
Cape No. 7 is an award-winning romantic comedy from 2008 about a young Taiwanese postman Aga (played by Fan Tan), recently back from Taipei after finding no success as a singer. Aga tries to deliver an old love letter to an address once called “Cape #7.” He not only discovers a love story that transcends Taiwanese and Japanese cultural boundaries, but becomes captivated himself by a young Japanese woman: Tomoko (Chie Tanaka), a Japanese model, has been assigned to organize a local warm-up band for a super star beach concert. Together with other five ordinary Hengchun residents, they form an unlikely band. This is the first feature film by writer-director Wei Te-Sheng. The film runs 129 minutes and is in Taiwanese, Mandarin Chinese and some Japanese.
Crowell Library thanks the Taiwanese United Fund (TUF), a non-profit organization dedicated to culture and performing arts, and Dr. Jerry C. Liu for bringing Cape No. 7 to library patrons.
Free popcorn will be available while it lasts!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
The Buster Balloon Show
Saturday, May 26, at 2:00 PM
Enjoyed by kids, parents, and even angst-ridden teen siblings around the world, The Buster Balloon Show is an inflatable extravaganza of vaudevillian entertainment featuring the human cartoon that is Buster Balloon. A wild and wacky mix of side splitting comedy, mind boggling magic, and the most amazing twisted balloon creations you have ever seen. And did we mention The Giant 6 Foot Whoopee Cushion of Doom? Come to Crowell Saturday, May 26, at 2:00 PM and be sure to arrive early as Buster's shows always fill up fast.
For more information contact Crowell Public Library at (626) 300-0777.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
LA Phil Violinist PAUL STEIN
Come to the library for a free hour of blissful, classical music! PAUL STEIN, a violinist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic for the last 30 years, will bring his “Violin Soliloquy” program to the Crowell Public Library on Wednesday, May 23, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. The program will include music by Bach and Prokofiev, as well as music from Cinema Paradiso, and some popular selections with a driving beat. Bring the family, and any children eight years and older.
Paul Stein has been a featured soloist at the Hollywood Bowl and has worked with Zubin Mehta, Carlo Maria Giulini, Andre Previn, Esa-Pekka Salonen as well as Gustavo Dudamel. He was principal second violinist with the Colorado Symphony and performed with the Santa Fe Opera orchestra. Born in Dallas, Paul received a Bachelor of Music from Southern Methodist University and Master of Music from Yale University. He has moderated seminars and lectured at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Institute and conventions of the Music Teachers Association of California. He is a Certificate of Merit teacher of violin and viola, from beginning to advanced and is on the faculties of Pasadena City College and Glendale College.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Finals Week: Cram at Crowell Library!
Coffee and Cramming @ Crowell!
Thursday, May 31st from 3pm-7pm &
Monday, June 4th from 1pm-7pm
– Aughh! Finals are here already?! Don’t stress out -- high school students are invited to Crowell Library’s Coffee & Cramming student only group study zone (otherwise known as the library’s Barth Community Room) on Thursday, May 31st from 3pm-7pm & Monday, June 4th from 1pm-7pm.
Enjoy snacks and iced coffee while hitting the books. All brainiacs in attendance will be eligible to win a Vroman’s gift card.
Crowell Public Library: where you can get your exam cram on!
Saturday, April 07, 2012
The Pacific Electric Railway: Then & Now

Thursday, April 05, 2012
China: From the 1950s to Today Photo Exhibition

Monday, April 02, 2012
Hunger Games Challenge!

April 17, 2012 @ 3:30pm--Barth Community Room FREE!
For Young Adults grades 6-12
Hunger Games: You’ve read the book and seen the movie; now put yourself to the test. Crowell Public Library presents it’s first annual Hunger Games Challenge on April 17th at 3:30pm in the Barth Community Room. The Hunger Games challenge is free and open to all young adults grades 6-12.
You’ve been chosen to represent your district, and you’ll be put to the test. Enter the arena and show your mettle in the face of nearly insurmountable odds. Find out your Hunger Games name, take an epic trivia challenge, and test your chances of survival in the Cornucopia and physical challenge. It’s not all a matter of life and death— you’ll also showcase your cupcake decorating skills (channeling Peeta, the baker’s son)! How will you fare? Find out in an afternoon where grit and wit may finish ahead of pure brawn. Survivor(s) of the Hunger Games Challenge will take home their own copy of Hunger Games!
Hunger Games events are subject to change, as the Gamemakers want to keep the tributes on their toes. The Hunger Games challenge is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
“Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!”—Effie Trinket
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sherlockian author Graham Moore

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Special Screening: Forks Over Knives

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
LA Opera Talk: La Boheme

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Brain Aerobics Returns!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Medical Mondays: The Developmental Approach to Children with Autism