Wednesday, July 11th 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Because there are many areas of our lives that still need organizing, we have asked The Queen of dClutter to return. TRACY McCUBBIN, professional organizer extraordinaire, has given several workshops at Crowell Public Library to standing room only crowds. She has the diplomacy to deal with horders and the expertise to tackle all clutter dilemmas including the garage, so gentlemen, start your engines and get it in gear here at Crowell Public Library.
A clean environment aids concentration and increases productivity. Don’t let accumulated clutter stress you out. “Liveable Organization” is about organization that’s easy for you to live in, co-exist with, and ultimately maintain. Learn to reduce, reorganize, and recycle, so you can relax. Tracy will offer professional tips and explore the mindset that blocks us from letting go of things. Take control of your physical space!
“dClutter Between the Covers” is part of the Adult Summer Reading Program at Crowell Public Library. Registering for the summer reading program is easy: just visit the Adult Reference desk to sign up and start reading! Pick up a Between the Covers brochure and see what other programs will be happening this summer. Write a book review or a six-word novel and a prize may be in your future. It’s all happening at Crowell Public Library through July.