Monday, June 25, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
The Adult Summer Reading Program, Between the Covers, is off and running at Crowell Public Library and the first scheduled program, so thematically astute, will be Dr. Trevor Dobbs’ Dream Analysis on Monday, June 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the Library’s Barth Community Room. Do dreams have meaning or are they just synapses firing at random? Dr. Dobbs, a member of the core faculty at Pacific Oaks College, will clue us in. He teaches in the School of Human Development & Family Studies and maintains a part time private practice in psychoanalysis, also in Pasadena. He has a multi-disciplinary background that ranges from computer science, to theology, to psychoanalysis and couples therapy.
Registering for the summer reading program is easy: just visit the Adult Reference desk to sign up and start reading! Pick up a Between the Covers brochure and see what other programs will be happening this summer. Write a book review or a six-word novel and a prize may be in your future. It’s all happening at Crowell Public Library through July.