Tuesday, September 8 – 10:00 a.m.
Whether one is approaching age 65 or is already receiving Medicare benefits, experiencing this free educational webinar on the Zoom platform will be most beneficial. On Tuesday, September 8 at 10:00 am, Medicare 101 will cover the basic rules, regulations and time frames seniors need to know. If you are interested in streaming this program, please send an email to ddobbs@cityofsanmarino.org and we will send you the link to the program.
An independent broker working in Pasadena, John Dickey will present an hour’s program on the many aspects of Medicare and will answer all questions. He will serve as a free resource and advocate, now and at any time in the future, to help people find the Medicare information they need. John’s guidance, and advocacy on behalf of seniors is always totally independent of any insurance company and is governed by CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services).
When the time comes to choose a Medicare plan, reviewing all of the options can be overwhelming. This "Medicare Made Clear" meeting will offer tools and resources that make it easier to understand and apply all of the basic rules of Medicare. Learn the rules of Medicare, the available elections and options, how to avoid penalties, and what Parts A, B, C, D, and E are.
John Dickey has given numerous presentations throughout San Gabriel Valley on Medicare, including Arcadia, Altadena and Monrovia. He frequently attends insurance training seminars and classes to stay current on all government regulations and available plan options. He is a fully licensed certified Health Insurance Planner, has an MBA, and has lived in San Gabriel Valley for 20 years.
Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions on Medicare answered. Sign up by sending your email to ddobbs@cityofsanmarino.org. If you need help getting comfortable with the Zoom platform, please contact Eric, our Tech Whiz on Mondays or Wednesday from 1-4:00pm at (626) 300-0777 extension 544.