Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ageless Benefits of Exercise

Wednesday January 17, 11:00 a.m.
Start the year off on a positive note by learning about the ways exercise can help you stay happy and healthy.  According to Medlineplus©, exercise can help control your weight, reduce the risk of heart disease, help your body manage sugar and insulin levels, help you quit smoking, improve your sexual health, reduce the risk of some cancers, improve your mental health and mood, strengthen your bones and muscles, and keep your thinking, learning and judgment skills sharp as you age.  The list goes on and on why we all need to keep moving.

Kathy Eastwood, a Community Outreach Nurse from Huntington Hospital, will present an inspiring program on the Ageless Benefits of Exercise beginning at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 17, in the Barth Community Room at Crowell Library.   This presentation will offer a discussion on the physical and mental benefits of exercise followed by a chair yoga session allowing the attendees to experience a safe, proven method of enhancing strength, flexibility and balance.

Patrons of Crowell Library have experienced the Huntington Hospital Community Outreach nurses first hand.  They have been monitoring the glucose levels and blood pressure numbers of many Crowell patrons for free.  They want to empower all members of the community to enjoy the healthiest lifestyle possible.  These nurses are active all year, working with many community-based organizations such as community centers, senior centers, faith organizations, schools, food banks, mental wellness programs, and health clinics. 

Kathy Eastwood, R.N., has worked at Huntington Hospital over three decades in Cardiology, ICU, and in Community Outreach for the last ten years.  Her passion is teaching and promoting a healthy lifestyle and she is also a certified yoga instructor. Encouraging and empowering others to wellness is her goal.  

Attendees are asked to wear comfortable clothing and non-slip shoes.  Take a deep, cleansing breath and one big affirmative step for the new year on Wednesday, January 17 at Crowell Library.