June 10 – July 20, 2013
Crowell Public Library launches its Reading Is So Delicious! Summer Reading Club on June 10, 2013. Over the next two months, the library will host a range of free activities for children, teens, and adults that encourage and support a love of reading. Participants also can win prizes for reaching their reading goals! Summer reading isn’t just fun, it’s great. Research has shown that reading over the summer prevents summer reading loss.*
Some of the programs include hilarious “Animal Cracker” tales from Ina Buckner Barnette, the Sunshine Storyteller, fantastic feature films for the whole family every week, “Feed Your Ears a Plateful of Music,” with Bob Harrison, and a visit from the animals of the Wildlife Learning Center. Many more surprises are in store!
The Summer Reading Club is open to ages three through adult. Registration begins on Monday, June 10, 2013 and runs through Saturday, July 20, 2013. The Summer Reading Club is sponsored by the Friends of the Crowell Public Library.
All programs are free to the public.
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1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108-2595 ● Phone: (626) 300-0777
For more information, visit our website www.CrowellPublicLibrary.org
* Summer reading loss refers to the decline in children's reading development that can occur during summer vacation times when children are away from the classroom and not participating in formal literacy programs (Allington & McGill-Franzen, 2003). http://www.readingrockets.org/article/15218/