Thursday, May 23, 2013
7:00 pm
Of course it is important to understand the options and the consequences of any decisions related to retirement, but because Social Security is likely be the foundation of most people’s retirement income, understanding these benefits in particular is critical with so many Baby Boomers reaching retirement age. ROY TIRAKAYOS from Edward Jones will review the benefits of Social Security, and the factors one should consider before signing up, such as full retirement age, life expectancy, employment, as well as the benefits for spouses. Learn how the benefits are taxed and understand more about the relationship between Social Security and retirement planning at this free lecture, Thursday, May 23 at Crowell Public Library.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,* the average duration of retirement has increased from 8.1 years in 1950 to 20 years in 2007, with the average retirement age being 65, but many people will live considerably longer than that. Retirement income is derived largely from four sources: Social Security, earnings, pensions and asset income. Social Security provides the largest share of income for Americans age 65 or older. Learn what’s in store before you retire.
Roy Tirakayos graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a B.A. in Business Administration. Joining him will be BRUNO ESQUIVEL-PAZ, a graduate of Cal State L.A. who majored in finance and minored in Economics. Bring your retirement questions for Roy and Bruno and enjoy some light refreshments in the Library’s Barth Community Room.
* http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2001/10/art2full.pdf