Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 7:00 p.m. — Calling all manly men: get a handle on that bedlam in your garage! C.J. BARCUS of dClutterguy will give you the tools to attack that mess and make the garage a place your wife will want to visit. Attendees will learn about the basic garage tune up in six steps; how to formulate a battle plan, how to stimulate an urge to purge, what to keep, and what to let go. Learn about innovative storage ideas and utilizing space wisely, and above all, the joy of being able to actually park your car in the garage! These strategies can be applied to other problem areas such as patios, tool sheds, attics, and backyards. It can take only two days to de-clutter, leaving you with 363 days to enjoy and use your garage.
C.J. Barcus has been part of the dClutterfly organization for over four years. dClutterfly’s Tracy McCubbin has presented several organizing programs at Crowell Library to standing room only crowds. Built on the idea of “Liveable Organization,” this is about organization that’s easy for you to live in, co-exist with, and ultimately maintain. C.J. has also been a professional chef for over 16 years and worked in some of the most well organized restaurants in the country, streamlining, and organizing spaces to make a better, more efficient work space.
Learn to reduce, reorganize, and recycle, so you can relax. Come to Crowell Library and learn from a pro!