Tuesday, January 04, 2011

ONE BOOK ONE CITY Announcement

On Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., the Friends of the Crowell Public Library will join San Marino dignitaries in announcing the 2011 ONE BOOK, ONE CITY selection. After introductions and the unveiling of this year’s selection, there will be a concert by the Middle School Jazz Band. Light refreshments will be served. You’ll want to save Thursday evenings in February, March and April for some very special events, movies and musical performances at the library related to the theme of this book, a murder mystery and period piece involving a special genre of music still celebrated around the world. Every year the Friends of Crowell Public Library present a series of ONE BOOK, ONE CITY events that bring the community together in celebration of the joy of reading. Past selections have included Iron River by T. Jefferson Parker, Flower Confidential by Amy Stewart, and Samurai’s Garden, by Gail Tsukiyama. More details on the One Book, One City program will be announced in upcoming weeks. Copies of the featured book will be available for check-out at the Crowell Public Library. For further details on this exciting program and others at Crowell Library, keep an eye on the website: http://www.CrowellPublicLibrary.org