Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bilingual Chinese and English Story Time

Fourth Saturdays @ 11:00 a.m.

The newest addition to Crowell Public Library’s innovative programming for children, the Bilingual English & Chinese Story Time, now has a regular schedule: the fourth Saturdays of the month. Upcoming sessions will include Saturday January 23rd, February 27th and March 27th, all at 11:00 a.m.

The library’s amazing Youth Services Department has teamed up with several volunteers from the community to present this unique program. Stories, songs, and finger-plays are conducted in both Mandarin Chinese and English. In an effort to serve Chinese speakers, as well as educate non-Chinese about the culture and expose them to another language, these story times place an emphasis on increasing literacy in both languages.

Everyone is invited to attend, regardless of what language(s) you speak. All ages are welcome, but the program is designed for ages 3 to 5. Come hear some of your favorite children’s stories and songs in two different languages, listen to some new ones, and make a fun craft!

If your children are too old for story time, but you’d still like to get involved, the library is always looking for volunteer storytellers who are fluent in Mandarin. As this unique program continues to blossom, we hope to offer it on a weekly basis.

Crowell Public Library is currently the only public library in the San Gabriel Valley offering a Chinese Story Time. Come be a part of this ground breaking program!