Library Treasure Hunt
Saturday, January 24th 2:00 p.m.
Come to the San Marino Public Library and learn how to find a book in the library. This hands-on workshop is geared toward children in grades K-2 and their parents, but anyone who needs to brush up on their book finding skills is welcome to attend. Discussion topics include the different sections of library and how books in the children's room are put into different categories: non-fiction, picture books, beginning readers, bridges and fiction. The afternoon will conclude with a treasure hunt in the library. Participants will be asked to find books using the skills and techniques that they just learned.
Dewey & the Decimals
Saturday, February 7th 2:00 p.m.
Who is Dewey and what is he doing with those decimals? Join us the San Marino Public Library for a hands-on workshop on learning everything there is to know about Melvin Dewey and the decimal system. Students will be introduced to the decimal system, categorization of books as fiction and non-fiction and a refresher on how to using the library's catalog computer. This workshop is geared toward 3rd - 4th graders along with their parents, but anyone who has an interest in how the Dewey Decimal System works is welcome to attend.
Royal Tea & Storytime
Here ye, Here ye, all boys and girls are cordially invited to attend the Royal Tea and Storytime at the San Marino Public Library. This exciting event will take place Saturday, February 14th from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Come and meet the Queen and a Princess of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Royal Court. You will be enchanted by stories of princes and princesses and also be given the opportunity to ask questions and pose for pictures, so don't forget your cameras. Polaroid photos will also be available for purchase at $2 a picture.
All those in attendance will receive a special crown that is sure to be the royal envy all your friends. Reservations are required. Please call (626)300-0777 to reserve a space today.
Space is limited, so call early to reserve your spot: 626-300-0777.
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