Monday, January 12, 2004

San Marino Public Library

The Reference Staff at the San Marino Public Library is pleased to present a series of workshops to assist both children and their parents in using the resources the library has to offer more effectively.

Saturday, January 24th @ 2:00 p.m.
The Library Treasure Hunt
Come and learn how to use the electronic catalog to find a book in the library. This workshop is geared toward K-2nd grade students, along with their parents. Discussion topics include: library organization, use of SMILES, the library's electronic catalog and finding books by author, title, and subject. The afternoon will conclude with a library treasure hunt. Participants will be ask to find books using the skills and techniques that they just learned.

Saturday, February 7th @ 2:00 p.m.
Dewey & the Decimals
Who is Dewey and what is he doing with those decimals? Join us for this hands-on workshop on learning everything there is to know about Melvin Dewey and the decimal system. Students will be introduced to the decimal system, categorization of books as fiction and non-fiction and a refresher on using SMILES, the library's electronic catalog. This workshop is geared toward 3rd and 4th graders, along with their parents.

Saturday, February 28th @ 2:00 p.m.
Research and Electronic Resources
Do you have an assignment due that requires you to do research? Don't know where to turn? Then join us as we introduce students to the reference and electronic resources available at the public library. Discussion topics include: newspaper and magazine databases, science and history homework helper and current biography illustrated. This workshop is specifically geared toward 5th and 6th graders, along with their parents.

Space is limited, so call early and reserve your spot; (626) 300 - 0777.
Refreshments will be served.

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