Ron Serven, Park Manager of Lacy Park will present his annual Rose Pruning Workshop at 9:30 AM on Saturday, January 10 in the Barth Room in the Library. If you want a great display of your roses in the spring, you need to spend a little time out in the garden this month to get your rose plants ready. With the warm, sunny days we're having, you don't want to wait. Pruning isn't hard work, and when you know what you're doing, it is even fun. Ron demonstrates and explains what to do and he will answer all of your questions. Reservations are not necessary. Call (626) 300-0777 if you have any questions about the program.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Crowell Library is thrilled to announce the return of mystery writer Denise Hamilton. Denise was with us back in June discussing the book she edited, L.A. Noir, consisting of short stories from a fabulous array of mystery writers. The critically acclaimed author of the Eve Diamond mystery series will be reading and discussing her latest bestseller, The Last Embrace, a sexy, atmospheric, and seductive thriller that transports readers to a fascinating, transitional time and place—1949 Los Angeles. January 22, 7:00 p.m. This event is supported by Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from The James Irvine Foundation.
On Thursday, February 19th, at 7:00 p.m., author and choreographer Mark Knowles will be discussing (and demonstrating!) the history and development of tap dancing prior to 1900, the focus of his book, Tap Roots: The Early History of Tap Dancing. He’ll cover the many cultural influences (including Irish, English, African, and West Indian) leading to the creation of modern tap dancing and discuss plantation, theatrical and music hall styles.
Both events will be held in the Library’s Barth Community Room and are free.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Give a Gift
This season honor a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or maybe a teacher with a gift to the Crowell Public Library.Each $25 gift of honor:
- Will be recognized on the Holiday Honor Bookcase
- Will support the community Crowell Public Library and
- Can be used for tax purposes.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Halloween and scary stories are not just for children. On Thursday, October 30 at 7 pm, we encourage high school students and adults to join us at the library for this program presented by a new theatre group, Nom de Guerre Theatre Guild. They have created new adaptations for the stage from classic literature in the thriller genre, drawing from the likes of Poe, Stevenson, and Irving. Actors will be seated in the room and reading from the scripts. The plays will still be in development, so the goal is to have the playwrights “hear” the plays, and gauge community interest and reaction. After the readings there will be a quick Q & A to field questions about the plays, source material, and vision for a planned festival in 2009. This is a great opportunity to have input in this new and evolving program.
On Saturday, October 25th at 2pm, Ken Frawley will be at the public library. Ken will put on an entertaining and exciting program of fun and silly Halloween songs, stories, puppets, and some magic. Be prepared to laugh and scream!
Reading Days with UCLA
Attention UCLA sports fans! The Crowell Public Library has once again partnered up with the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System (MCLS) and the UCLA Athletic Department. Get rewarded for good reading habits with family passes to a UCLA fall athletic event! Just pick up a reading log from the Children’s Desk at Crowell Public Library, read and record your books, and bring the log back! Program runs through Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008
Toddler Storytime (ages 2-3)
Calling all toddlers! Toddler storytime is a great way to introduce your little one to a group experience. Activities include stories, singing songs and fingerplays. Starting the week of September 1, participants can come either Mondays or Wednesdays at 10:30am at the Crowell Public Library. Registration is not required.
Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5)
Calling all preschoolers! Come to the library for stories, songs, finger plays, and a simple craft activity. Storytime is an excellent way to teach young children the skills--such as listening quietly and following instructions--they will need in kindergarten. Starting the week of September 1, participants can come either Tuesdays or Thursdays at 1:30pm at the Crowell Public Library. Registration is not required.
Starlight Storytime
Families and kids from 3-8 years old are invited to our Starlight Storytime for bedtime stories, songs, and fun! Pajamas are encouraged! This program will be held at the Crowell Public Library on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm.
Thrilling Thursday Movie Day
Come see a movie at Crowell Public Library on the second Thursday of every month at 4pm. On October 9, 2008, we will be showing the 2005 Tim Burton version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Popcorn and drinks will be provided for this free, PG-rated event.
One of the finest features of our new library is its pervasive WiFi signal. To hop on the Internet at the library, all you have to do is turn on your wireless enabled notebook computer and then enter your library card barcode and pin number. (Your pin number is usually the last four digits of your telephone number.) Study tables throughout the building are equipped with power outlets to keep your laptop juiced while you work.
There is no printing available from our wireless network and users are responsible for configuring their own computers. Still, our free wireless Internet makes the library a great place to get some work done. Stop by and see us today!
Coffee and Smoothies on the Patio
Carry your laptop out to the library patio and enjoy a smoothie or a cup of joe from our new coffee cart! The cart, operated by Maui Wowi, offers all-natural, fat-free fresh fruit smoothies, Hawaiian coffees and espresso, and various snacks. Feel free to bring those covered drinks into the building. Only food must remain outside. Enjoying these smoothies is like taking a study break on a tropical isle!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Join the most humongous reading group ever: the nationwide Big Read featuring Jack London’s classic, The Call of the Wild. Come see actor Michael Oakes portray London at the kick-off event on Saturday, September 27 at 10:30 a.m. at the Friends’ Hall and Garden Terrace at the Huntington Library. Drop by Crowell Public Library’s table during the festivities, which are free and run until 5 p.m.
On Thursday afternoon, October 19, join us for a screening of the 1983 version of the Disney movie Never Cry Wolf, based on true story of a man coming to terms with nature on the tundra. The movie will be shown in Crowell’s Barth Community Room at 2:00 p.m. Admission is free.
Huntington curator Sue Hodson will speak at Crowell on Sunday, October 23 about Jack London’s work as a photojournalist. Hodson will show London’s photos of the Russo-Japanese War, the South Pacific, the cockneys of England, and the Mexican Revolution. This free event will take place in the Barth Community Room at 7 p.m.
For more information about the Big Read, which is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, check out the Huntington Library’s website: Or, call Denise Dobbs at Crowell Public Library, (626) 300-0777, extension 541.
The Summer Reading Program was a great success at the San Marino Public Library. With the opening of the new library, the number of children registered for the "Catch the Reading Bug @ Your Library" program was an astonishing number of 974. The YA program also had a great turn out with over 162 teens participating in the "Metamorphosis" reading program.
The San Marino Public Library would like to congratulate the 245 children who completed the entire program by reading 20 books, a cumulative total of 4,900 books! Those children who finished the program received a special reading award and a gift certificate from the San Marino Toy and Book Shoppe. We would also like to congratulate the 147 children who were able to reach the bonus level by reading 30 books this summer. Those children had the opportunity to spin the prize wheel to win a movie ticket, a Coldstone's gift card, certificate to In-N-Out, a kid's meal to Carls Jr. or a certificate for a free kid's meal at Islands Restaurant. Congratulations to all of our participants!
The annual summer program concluded on Saturday, August 2nd, with a Final Party for all participants who read at least 5 books this summer. Entertainment was provided by Swazzle Puppets. Children and their parents were also treated to a pizza lunch provided by Papa John's, which they were able to enjoy in the San Marino Center next to the library. The winners of various drawing, writing, and creativity contests, held throughout the summer, were also announced. The afternoon festivities concluded with a raffle of "Catch the Reading Bug" themed prizes and books.
We would like to thank all the "ticktockers" from the National Charity League and all other teen volunteers who donated countless hours assisting with the reading program. We also want to thank all the businesses that helped support the Summer Reading Program through their donations of reading incentives and prizes, especially the Friends of the Library, who sponsored all the entertainment and activities throughout the summer, Hows Market, who donated juice boxes for our final party, Ralphs Market for supplies, and Papa John's for helping out with the final party pizzas. Your generosity played a crucial role in the success of the San Marino Public Library's Summer Reading Program. THANK YOU!
We would also like to thank the following judges who devoted their time to make our contest successful - Matt Ballantyne (City Manager), Sue Cobb (Manager of San Marino Recreation Department), Sue Hodgson (Huntington Library), John Penido (Fire Chief), Ann Dallavalle (City Librarian), and Irene McDermott (Reference Librarian). Last but not least, we want to thank the Friends of the San Marino Public Library. Their hard work, dedication, and support make it possible to continue the Summer Reading Program every year.
Name the Character Contest
- Bee: "Queenie the Reading Bee" named by Sierra Dunah (age 7)
- Butterfly: "Zip-Zap" named by Anjali Asthagiri (age 3)
- Cricket: "Davy Crickett" named by Russell Chang (age 11)
- Dragonfly: "Firewings" named by Matthew Tostado (age 7)
Drawing Contest
- 3-5 year olds: Aleena Ma (age 5)
- 6-7 year olds: Ashley Muranaka (age 7)
- 8+ Zoe Chang (age 10)
Writing Contest
- 3-5 year olds: Kayla Weng (age 5)
- 6-7 year olds: John Hutchison (age 7)
- 8+ Karen Weng (age 10)
Create a Bug Contest
- Most Creative - "Shutterbug: The Reading Bug" by Katherine Hui (age 9)
- Best Use of Materials - "Painting Mantis Van Gogh" by Kayla Grimm (age 10)
- Creepiest Bug - "J-Fly" by Jarrod Nguyen (age 9)
- Biggest Pest - "Millie" by Quintin Hollomand (age 5)
- Most Unusual - "Bob the Bee Bug" by Jinnen Masri (age 10)
- Most Realistic - "Megan the Bug" by Noemi Liu (age 4)
- Cutest Bug - "Harry the Lunch Bug" by Jayden Hollomand (age 4)
Weekly Raffle Winners
- Los Angeles Dodgers Tickets - Diego Blanco
- $15 gift card to Jamba Juice - Russell Tsai
- Family 4 pack to Pasadena Ice Skating Rink - Paul Tostado & Abby Metzger
- Los Angeles Sparks Tickets - Jasmyn Tang
- $15 gift certificate to IHOP - Enoch Harnanto
- $15 gift certificate to McDonalds - Elijah Harnanto
- $15 gift card to Baja Fresh - Owen Grannis
- $15 gift card to Blockbuster - Sarah Chin
Businesses and Organizations that Donated Gifts for the Children's Summer Reading Program
Blockbuster | Los Angeles Dodgers |
Build-A- Bear Workshop | Los Angeles Sparks |
Carl’s Jr. | Papa John’s |
Claim Jumper | Pasadena Ice Skating Center |
Hows Market | Pizza Hut |
International House of Pancakes | Ralphs Market |
In-N-Out | San Marino Toy & Book Shoppe |
Islands Restaurant | Shakey’s Pizza |
Jump’n Jammin | Teri & Yaki |
Legoland | Trader Joe’s |
Children Who Read 30+ Books During the Summer Reading Program
Alex Airitam | Nicole Hui | Isaac Roberts |
Savanna Airitam | Gabe Huisken | Joshua Rose |
Sydney Airitam | John Hutchison | Malia Rose |
Paulina Alonso | Derek Jackson | Mateo Rose |
Brendan Brody | Juliana Judge | Carolina Ru |
Brooke Brody | Brian Kam | Matthew Rutzen |
Clare Carey | Steven Kam | Sarah Rutzen |
Ella Carey | Danny Khoshnan | Sayvzhdri Sarrafpar |
Christina Chang | Hoon Ki | Benjamin Schwartz |
Libby Chang | Sara Koh | Spencer Seid |
Zoe Chang | Scott Koh | Taylor Seid |
Baxton Chen | Megan Lan | Anita Shenoi |
Melody Chen | Stacy Lao | Angela Shi |
Ken Cheng | Bethany LeBerthon | Priscilla Shi |
Kellie Chiang | Briana LeBerthon | Skylar Shi |
Katie Chin | Christina Liao | Caleb Shohfi |
Sasrah Chin | Tiffany Liao | Sharif Sivad |
Kathy Choi | Emily Lin | Kylie Spindler |
Melody Chow | Naomi Lin | Joseph Sullivan |
Rosaline Chow | Nicole Lin | Jasmyn Tang |
Sasha Chu | Mason Liu | Curtis Tsa |
Beto Clavio | Noemi Liu | Russell Tsai |
Arthur Cribbs | Tommy Long | Angela Wang |
Jacqueline Dang | Peggy Luk | Jen-yeu Wang |
Grace Davis | Brandt Lukas | Valerie Wang |
Jireh Deng | Catherine Maldonado | Karen Weng |
Mercy Deng | Daphne Mall | Kade Wentz |
Samantha Dromskey | Hannah Marx | Portia Whiteford |
Sarah DuNah | Dzelila Maslesa | Lindsey Wong |
Samantha Fujita | Jinnen Masri | Ryan Wong |
Mansi Gokani | Katie Metcalfe | Tiffany Wong |
Adam Hamden | Luke Metcalfe | Timothy Wong |
Nadine Hamden | Abby Metzger | Nathaniel Woo |
Enoch Harnanto | Ashley Muranaka | Elsa Woods |
Ethan Heilman | David Navarro | Jacqueline Yipp |
Sofia Henson | Grace Navarro | Aston Yong |
Louis Hess | Gwyneth Ngo | Andy Yoong |
Madison Hoiby | Caitlin Nguyen | Nicky Yoong |
Lucy Howell | Nicholas Oo | Samantha Young |
Elina Huang | Daniel Peinado | Zach Yung |
Justin Huang | Isadel Peinado | Zoe Yung |
Justine Huang | Justin Quach | Linda Zhong |
Katherine Hui | Nicholas Quach |
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sure, we loan books. But the new Crowell Library also features a dedicated storefront for its used Book Shoppe in which the Friends of the Library sell gently used donated books for shockingly low prices. Need a book for school? You might find it here. All proceeds go to buy new materials for the library. Stop in today!
The Book Shoppe is open Mondays from 10-5, Tuesdays from 11-4, Wednesdays from 10-5, Thursdays from 10 a.m. all the way to 8 p.m., Fridays from 11-1, and Saturdays from 12:15-3:15. The Shoppe is closed on Sunday.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The first book sale sponsored by the Friends of the new Crowell Library, San Marino, will be held Saturday, July 19th, from ten to two in the library patio. Readers will be able to buy a bag of books for $3.00 or two bags for $5.00. Included will be fiction, non-fiction, history, business, cookbooks and children’s books, all gently used. The sale is perfectly timed for the summer reader who wants good reading to bring on vacation, to read on the airplane, or to simply enjoy. The library is located at 1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Know how to use a computer but still have a hard time finding things on the Web? Come to the Internet Research class at the Crowell Public Library. The class covers two days: Thursday, June 19 and Friday, June 20, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. It is free, but limited to the thirteen adults (age 16 and above). To reserve a spot, call the Reference Desk at the Crowell Public Library, 626 300-0777.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Carolyn Crain, San Marino City Librarian, Dies
Carolyn Crain, former City Librarian, died on May 8 after two decades of struggle against breast cancer.Crain began her illustrious career with the City of Monrovia as an Adult Services Librarian. Three years later, she served as the Yucaipa Branch Librarian for San Bernardino County as well as the Regional Librarian where she supervised twelve (12) of their branch libraries. In 1990, Crain was appointed the City Librarian for the City of San Marino by then City Manager John Nowak. While at San Marino, Crain spearheaded the drive to build the new library.
City Manager Ballantyne praised Crain, stating, “You will not find a more passionate individual who is committed to library services. Carolyn accomplished a lot here in San Marino, and it has been an honor to have shared in those accomplishments.”
Crain served as City Librarian until February of this year, when ill health forced her retirement.
View a slide show of photos here:
Obituary in the Los Angeles Times:
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Meet the Author
San Marino author Diane Fredel-Weis will be at the Crowell Public Library on Wednesday, May 14th @ 3:30 p.m. to read her new children’s picture book The Cat That Wanted Out. Books will be available for purchase and signing. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the public library.
Children’s Book Week
Children of all ages are invited to the public library every day during Children’s Book Week to experience the joy of reading. As a special treat, storyteller Karen Rae Kraut will be at the library on Saturday, May 17th @ 2:00 p.m. She will share her adventures in “I Want to Be a Dog”, a one-woman variety show with stories, songs, riddles, and poems that chronicle the antics and adventures of our four-legged friends.
Afternoon Movie Day
Visit us at the Crowell Public Library on Thursday, May 15th @ 4:00 p.m. for an afternoon movie screening about the adventures of a big green orge and his funny four-legged friend.
Monday, April 21, 2008
With the success of the new library comes the need for help getting returned books back out on the shelves. If you are a detailed-oriented adult with some time to give, consider spending some volunteer reshelving time in the library. Also needed: Official Sticker Removers. Requirements: patience, willingness to do mindless peeling, affinity for Goo Gone. Call Ann Dallavalle for details: 626 300-0775.
Join the Donor Wall of Honor
The Brand New Library Campaign is not over yet. The campaign is at the 96% level and the San Marino Public Library Foundation needs your help to make it 100%. The library is open but we still need your help to write the last chapter of the campaign. The Brand New Library Campaign has been a true community effort with donors of all shapes and sizes. Join you neighbors and friends in supporting the new library today.One great way to show your support is to join our Donor Wall of Honor. Donors can still be added to the growing list on the Donor Wall which resides on the west wall of the Mothershead entry courtyard. Donors are recognized for their total giving during the campaign period therefore all gifts to the campaign over the past years will be included in determining your donor level.
Now is the time join the campaign and help make it a 100% success.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Storytimes Registration for all storytimes begins Monday, April 14 @ 10:00 a.m.
Toddler Storytime is a great way to introduce your 2 year old to a group experience. Activities include stories, singing songs and fingerplays. Mondays @ 10:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. April 21st - May 26th
Preschool Storytimes are for the 3-5 year old child. The aim of story time is to introduce children to the library and to the magic of books and reading, as well as to develop social skills needed for school. Thursdays @ 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. April 24th - May 29th
Afternoon Storytime
All students K-3 are invited to attend “Afternoon Adventure”. This story time will be held on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:15. It is designed to provide young students the opportunity to hear great stories, make creative crafts and have lots of fun!! All children ages 5-8, who can work independently, are encouraged to participate. April 22nd - May 28
Barks & Books
Elementary school children are invited to the Crowell Public Library to practice their reading skills by reading a book to a gentle dog. This special program is made possible by volunteers of the Pasadena Humane Society. Please call the children’s department for specific time and dates.
Mad Science of Los Angeles
Come and learn everything you need to know about – Air Pressure! Witness as volunteers try to pull apart a Magdeburg sphere, try to tame flying toilet paper and blow out a Birthday candle that has a surprise of its own. Volunteers will also launch indoor hot air balloons, and ride the “Mad Science Hovercraft”. The audience will then be amazed as a giant vortex generator blows puffs of fog rings over them, followed by an exciting “Dinosaur Sneeze” special effect that nobody will want to miss. Wednesday, April 23rd @ 7:00 p.m.
Afternoon Movie Screenings Come and enjoy and afternoon screening of movies based on popular books. Thursday, Apr 10th @ 2:00 p.m. - Ratatouille Thursday, May 8 @ 3:30 p.m. - Meet the Robinsons
Fancy Nancy Storytime & Craft @ your library
No one knows fancy like Nancy! Come to this storytime and we will read Fancy Nancy books, have a fancy snack and make fancy purses Nancy style! And remember to come in your fanciest clothes. Tiaras welcome! The program will be held on Tuesday, April 8th, 2008 at 2:00pm in the Barth Community Room The program is for ages 4-7.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo
Drop by the public library on Monday, May 5th anytime between 3:00 - 4:30 p..m. to make your very own Cinco de Mayo inspired craft.
Children’s Book Week Children of all ages are invited to the public library every day to experience the joy of reading. As a special treat , Storyteller Karen Rae Kraut will be at the library on Saturday, May 17th @ 2:00 p.m. She will share her adventures in “ I Want to Be a Dog”, a one woman variety show with stories, songs, riddles, and poems that chronicle the antics and adventures of our four legged friend.
Reading Days with UCLA
Would you like to receive tickets to a UCLA sporting event for reading books? Come to the Public Library and pick up a reading log. The reading log will be used to keep track of the 8 books you need to read to earn the tickets. Once completed, bring the log back to the library and receive a pass, good up to 4 people, for a UCLA sporting event. Events include women and men’s tennis, track & baseball. This program will run until May 18th.
Coming Soon
The annual Summer Reading Program, “Catch a Reading Bug” - June 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
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Daniel Lewis has written a fascinating history of the Southern Pacific Railroad in Mexico. Join him and Friends on the patio in a social setting. Browse the new Friends Book Shoppe. Adjourn to the Barth Community Room at 7:30 p.m. for the lecture, followed by a book signing by the author. |
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
2008 will mark San Marino’s first ever One City, One Book event! This landmark occasion will feature Gail Tsukiyama’s bestselling novel, The Samurai’s Garden, a book already close to many readers’ hearts. Set in Japan just before World War II, the novel focuses on 17-year-old Stephen, who leaves his home in Hong Kong just as Japan is poised to invade. He’s sent to a small town called Tarumi to recuperate from tuberculosis, and as he does, he begins to develop friendships with 3 women and a girl close to his own age, all of whom begin to open him up in their own ways to the lessons of wisdom concerning love, honor and loss. Festivities will be held on Wednesday, May 21 at the Library, where copies of the book will be available for check out.
Elementary school children are invited to the Crowell Public Library to practice their reading skills by reading a book to a live gentle dog. This special program is made possible by volunteers of the Pasadena Humane Society. Scarlett, a lovable dachshund will listen on Saturday, March 15th @ 11:30 a.m. Space is limited so sign up today!!! For more information, please call 626-300-0777.
Would you like to receive tickets to a UCLA sporting event for reading books? Then come to the Public Library and pick up a reading log. The reading log will be used to keep track of the 8 books you need to read to earn the tickets. Once completed, bring the log back to the library and receive a pass, good up to 4 people, for a UCLA sporting event. Events include women and men’s tennis, track & baseball. This program will run until May 18th.
The Library Fairy will be making an appearance at the Crowell Public Library on Saturday, March 29th at 2:00 p.m. She will perform stories from all around the world. Children will get a chance to perform in Story Theatre while in costumes and dramatically act out an enchanting tale. Children will also learn how to be the hero of their own story. Guaranteed to be fun, educational and entertaining for the entire family.
Volunteers Needed
With the success of the new library comes the need for help getting returned books back out on the shelves. If you are a detailed-oriented adult with some time to give, consider spending some volunteer reshelving time in the library. Call Rex Mayreis for details: 626 300-0777 ext. 542. Some work may require the ability to lift boxes or books.
Since its opening on January 26, the Crowell Public Library has enjoyed an unprecedented amount of use. In its first five days, the Library leant as many books as it used to do in an entire month. At the same time, the Library issued over 1500 cards to new borrowers.
The thirty-six new public internet access computers are seeing constant use, as is the wireless internet access available throughout the Library. The Barth Community Room and the Thornton Conference Room have plenty of advanced bookings. As soon as they are offered, our children’s storytime programs reach maximum enrollment. A new program, Authors @ Crowell, brings national-level authors to speak at the library. Finally, the Library has scheduled programs for children and adults for the summer. Please see the City Recreation guide for more information.Friday, March 07, 2008
San Marino City Manager Matthew Ballantyne has announced that Carolyn Crain will be retiring March 6, 2008. City Librarian Crain, an eighteen (18) year veteran of the City, made her intentions known following the completion of the New Crowell Public Library.
“It is with a great deal of regret that I resign my position as City Librarian due to issues related to my personal health. I am indeed proud of my contributions during my tenure here in San Marino. It is especially gratifying to have realized the completion of the new library which has been the pinnacle of my service here in this community.”
Crain began her illustrious career with the City of Monrovia as an Adult Services Librarian. Three years later, she served as the Yucaipa Branch Librarian for San Bernardino County as well as the Regional Librarian where she supervised twelve (12) of their branch libraries. In 1990, Crain was appointed the City Librarian for the City of San Marino by then City Manager John Nowak. While at San Marino, Crain has been a vital resource for the community which has matured into the development of a new library.
City Manager Ballantyne has not announced his plans for Crain’s replacement at this point, stating, “At this time, I would like to revel in Carolyn’s storied career. You will not find a more passionate individual who is committed to library services. Carolyn has accomplished a lot here in San Marino, and it has been an honor to have shared in those accomplishments these last two years. I would like to thank Carolyn’s husband Alan for sharing much of her time with us as it as has truly been a pleasure working with Carolyn.”
Should anyone wish to send notes or cards, please send to:
Carolyn Crain, City Librarian
c/o Matt Ballantyne, City Manager
2200 Huntington Drive
San Marino, CA 91108
Monday, January 21, 2008
Steve Koblik, Keynote Speaker
On Saturday, January 26, when the San Marino community celebrates the long anticipated grand opening of its new public library, the Crowell Public Library – christened in honor of former San Marino mayor Suzanne Crowell and her family for their generous support of the 29,000 square foot, $16 million state-of-the-art facility – the words of Benjamin Franklin will come vividly to life. “He that can have patience can have what he will,” wrote the founder of the first public library.
“It’s been a long journey and, I am grateful for the community support and collaboration,” exclaims City Librarian Carolyn Crain of the community’s quest to make the Crowell Public Library a reality. “Planning for the new library began in earnest in 1999 when the library initiated the Community Needs Assessment and The San Marino Public Library Foundation engaged a fund development consultant. We are proud of the public private partnership that has brought us to this moments where we can finally open our door to the public.”
Without a doubt, the wait has been more than worth it, Crain asserts. “Our new library is going to offer so many opportunities for programming and new services that I don’t know where to start!” she says with a smile. “I can’t wait to see people’s faces as they experience first hand all the amenities our new facility now enables us to provide – everything from wireless access throughout the building to a Homework Center where students can study after school.”
Throughout Opening Day, from 9:15 a.m. to 5 p.m., members of the community will have a chance to view the Homework Center for themselves. Other key areas visitors won’t want to miss include the Computer Training Lab, the Children’s Library, Reference and Technology Area, and the Chinese Collection as well as such meeting spaces as the Barth Community Room, Thornton Conference Room, and Schow Patio Garden, which will regularly offer coffee cart services.
However, the opening day festivities will include far more than a tour of the new facility. Students from the San Marino Chinese School will kick off the day’s festivities at 9:15 a.m. with a Lion Dance. At 10 a.m., San Marino Mayor Dr. Matthew Lin will then step up to the podium to accept proclamations – and congratulations – from various federal, state and civic leaders.
The formal community Grand Opening Ceremony – featuring Steven Koblik, President of The Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens as Keynote Speaker and Larry Mantle, host of KPCC radio’s popular weekly program Air Talk, as Master of Ceremonies – will follow at 11 a.m. Lee Mothershead, President of the Library Board of Trustees, and Bob Sievers, President of the Library Foundation, and Carolyn Crain, City Librarian will make remarks as well.
The highlight of the ceremony will take place when we introduce Major Donor Suzanne Crowell and her family,” predicts City Manager Matt Ballantyne. “The Crowell family has provided the community with a gift that will benefit the city of San Marino for generations to come.
Adds Bob Sievers, “The Crowell family’s generosity was the spark that ignited the unfailing support that so many members of our community showed, time and time again, for the new library. I hope as many contributors as possible will attend the Grand Opening, so that members of the Library Foundation, City Council and Library Board of Trustees can thank them personally.”
After the ceremony, several renowned local children’s authors will be on hand to sign their books and chat with their readers. Author Tony Johnston, who grew up in San Marino and has been a resident since 1985, will appear at 1 p.m.; Eve Bunting, winner of the Golden Kite Award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, will follow at 2 p.m.; while TOKYOPOP/graphic novel authors Rikki and Tavisha Simons and Tricia Riley Hale will meet with Young Adult readers at 3 p.m.
Two very special guests will also visit the Crowell Library that afternoon. Benjamin Franklin – as re-enacted by Paul Sharaba, resident educator and host for the Western Replica of Independence Hall at Knotts Berry Farm – will share his thoughts on the role public libraries have played throughout U.S. history from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., In addition, Curious George, hero of the popular children’s series by Hans Augusto Rey, will greet fans from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
“It will be a wonderful day,” promises Carolyn Crain. “It will be a celebration of the Crowell Public Library’s opening, yes. But it will also be an illustration of what we plan to offer the community for years to come – authors, speakers, artists, musicians and all manner of cultural programs.”
The Grand Opening Committee has already engaged the following guests for Opening Week: Ann Brazil, creator of TimeOut Tots teaching toys will appear on Monday morning, January 28, as will portrait and figurative painter Joyce Leddy later that day; Lisa See, author of the international bestseller, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and Peony in Love, will visit the Crowell Public Library on January 29 at 7:30 p.m.; an ensemble of young musicians from San Marino High School will perform on January 30 at 7 p.m.; children’s author Lisa Yee, winner of the Sid Fleischman Humor Award and Chinese American Best Book of the Year Award, will meet with young readers on January 31, at 3:15 p.m. while Russ Parsons, food and wine columnist for the Los Angeles Times and author of How to Read a French Fry and How to Pick a Peach, will appear that evening at 7:30 p.m. Rounding out the week on February 2, at 2 p.m. is Shirley Kerins, author of A Celebration of Herbs: Recipes from the Huntington Herb Garden.
The Crowell Public Library is located at 1890 Huntington Drive in San Marino. For more information about the Grand Opening Celebration, call 626.300.0777 or visit