Tuesday, September
24, 7:00 pm
With all the interest buzzing
around the KonMari Method via the Netflix’s show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, patrons can come to Crowell Public
Library on Tuesday, September 24 to learn how to apply this Japanese philosophy
to their own lives for free. Dr. Jessica
Louie will present a simple framework to help decrease feelings of being overwhelmed,
stressed and burnt out, beginning with an exercise to gain clarity of one’s ideal
lifestyle and how to set a vision for the future. She will present an overview of how to simplify
attendees’ homes and minds and demonstrate steps to organize and declutter the
home with detailed information about the KonMari Method and how it can be
applied to lives today. She will top off her presentation with an alignment
exercise, giving handouts for attendees to fill out during the presentation so
they can leave with a plan moving forward.
Jessica Louie is CEO of Clarify Simplify Align, Burnout Coach, Professional
Organizer and Certified KonMari Consultant who helps busy professionals gain clarity
of their purpose, and align their work into their lives to lead with confidence
and curate lives they love. She holds a
Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Southern California, is a
board-certified critical care pharmacist and currently teaches as an Assistant
Professor. She uses her healthcare background to coach clients through
emotional and difficult decisions.
to Crowell Public Library on Tuesday September 24 at 7:00 p.m. and learn to
spark joy with a clutter-free, organized life.