Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Volunteers Needed For the Library Transition

We don’t have exact dates, but the big move into the new Crowell Public Library is coming up toward the end of the year! The City has hired a moving company to transfer the Library’s materials, so we’ll rely on them for the heavy lifting, but we’re going to need help shifting materials on the new shelves to use the space efficiently and make everything fit just right. Also, we’ll need some detail-oriented people to help us make sure that the books are in correct order, which means going through the collection item by item. There will be other tasks as well.

We’re taking this opportunity to build a list of names and contact information for those who are interested in assisting with these efforts. As tasks and timing come into better focus, we want to be able to reach those who want to take part. If you would like to help, please contact Rex at (626) 300-0777 or by email,